Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Post #65 -- A letter to bloggie wogglie..

Dear bloggie wogglie,

As you can see, I've lost the blogging spree and Im so sorry for leaving you all alone here.! Ive got so many things to blog about, but im just too lazy. =/ I know, u might be thinking what a lousy blog owner i am right? Well, yeah i guess i am.

But bloggie wogglie, i promise you i'll be back soon! Back, before you know it. And i'll be all hyped up about posting up things again! =) You never know, the hype might just come back tomorrow, or maybe even in a few hours time!? and i'll be back in your arms typing away.... Now, doesn't that just make you happy? =)

Sorry bloggie wogglie. But you know i love you. =)



Random : Try saying bloggie wogglie 10 times without stopping. :)

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